RoAF-AN Photo Gallery

A record of Help, Hope and Co-operation in northeast Romania

The Time has Come
Winter has arrived, time to get chopping
Keywords: nov23;firewood;pub2312d

The Time has Come

Winter has arrived, time to get chopping

20231207_094844-sw.jpg IMG_20231124_134100-sw.jpg DSCF1902-sw.jpg IMG_20231204_105734-sw.jpg IMG_20231120_075257855-shw.jpg IMG_20231120_074629-sw.jpg IMG_20231118_104116-sw.jpg IMG_20231118_094202-sw.jpg IMG_20231117_135528-sw.jpg
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File information
Album name:roaftech / November 2023
Keywords:nov23 / firewood / pub2312d
Picture date:20/Nov/2023
Filesize:342 KiB
Date added:Tuepm30UTC pm2121UTC21: 21/Nov/2023
Dimensions:1024 x 768 pixels
Displayed:33 times
Digital Zoom Ratio:1
EXIF Image Height:3072 pixels
FlashPix Version:version 1
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Datum Point
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