Photographs relating to loading, transport and unloading of aid items.
4 files, latest one added on 30/Oct/2022, 87 linked files, 91 files totalAlbum viewed 987 times
Photos illustrating the UK activities necessary before the aid can be sent to Romania. [Album 75]
0 files, 89 linked files, 89 files totalAlbum viewed 795 times
Load 22-06, a joint load from Swansea and Billingshurst, dispatched from Billingshurst, 10/Dec/2022 Gross weight: 6,116kg, value Ă‚Â£8,214 [Album 235]
2 files, latest one added on 11/Dec/2022, 13 linked files, 15 files totalAlbum viewed 85 times
Load 22-05, a joint load from Swansea and Billingshurst, dispatched from Billingshurst, 29/Oct/2022 Gross weight: 7,379kg, value Ă‚Â£7,446 [Album 229]
2 files, latest one added on 31/Oct/2022, 7 linked files, 9 files totalAlbum viewed 85 times
Aid delivery from Billingshurst, received 08/Oct/2013
10 files, latest one added on 18/Oct/2013, 3 linked files, 13 files totalAlbum viewed 522 times
Load 12-09, Nov-Dec 2012, from west and south Wales and Billingshurst
21 files, latest one added on 07/Dec/2012, 6 linked files, 27 files totalAlbum viewed 883 times
Load received, September 2012
1 files, latest one added on 09/Oct/2012Album viewed 428 times
Photos of loading and unloading transport 2012-06, June-July 2012
10 files, latest one added on 10/Jul/2012Album viewed 507 times
Aid Delivery from south Wales, March 2012
13 files, latest one added on 04/Apr/2012Album viewed 552 times
Aid Delivery from Billingshurst, March 2012.
49 files, latest one added on 13/Mar/2012Album viewed 868 times