
Re-use is better than Recycling A variety of coloured bottle tops were used to give a theme to the week's activities 55 views photodate: 17/Jul/2023

Holiday Hopscotch
61 views photodate: 17/Jul/2023

A Growing Interest Taking a closer look at a variety of common plants 65 views photodate: 17/Jul/2023

Rediscovered Treasurers Items found in a disused classroom have a new future 59 views photodate:

A Donation of Chickens The Chickens will provide eggs and, in due course, meat for the family. Hopefully the children will learn skills that are still necessary in a rural area. 58 views photodate: jul 2023

Grow your own
57 views photodate: jul 2023

A consignment of food
63 views photodate: jul 2023

Milling Maize
65 views photodate: jul 2023

Keeping Cool
137 views photodate: jul 2023

RoAF-AN News, August 2023 Click on this image to see the current Prayer Notes. 76 views photodate: 04/Aug/2023